But he failed at the most crucial moment, and I think there’s some potential in there to see him wrestle with that. Since childhood Fez has taken on the role of caregiver and protector, stopping at nothing to take care of Ash when no one else would.
#Inuyasha season 3 epsiose 1 series
If the series decides to forgo throwing Fez in prison, I’m intrigued to see what the next season has in store for him. Fez tries to take the fall, but Ash ducks into the bathroom with a militia for a shoot-off that leaves Fez wounded and Ash dead. But the cops are already on their way by the time Ash stabs Custer in the neck. While Custer attempts to get Fez and Ashtray to confess to Mouse’s murder, a wide-eyed Faye valiantly throws him off course by pretending Laurie was the murderer. He’s just a kid with dreams of running away with Lexi to do some “ Little House on the Prairie shit” on a farm and have three kids born exactly a year and a half apart.
(Is that it for Maddy and Samantha? Are we ignoring the fact that Rue still owes Laurie money?) Rue is the heart of Euphoria, but the show has also lost sight of its ensemble nature.īut first: Poor, poor Fez. Some threads are tied up with a shrug, while others are completely forgotten. But if the finale resonates emotionally, it’s also lacking in resolution.
At the beginning of this season, I wondered whether Sam Levinson could reconcile the restraint of the special episodes with “regular” Euphoria, and I think “All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name” strikes that perfect balance. Euphoria is beloved and loathed alike for being such a head rush of a show, that it comes as a surprise that the finale is so … muted.