Aragami switch review gameplay
Aragami switch review gameplay


This game should have felt a hell of a lot grittier and had a no holds barred attitude. Like, god dammit give me the damn food and stop messing with me.


It’s like the writers put a spoon full of food in front of you and are just playing airplane over and over again. Plot armor is as thick as it comes and is so apparent that it’s obnoxious. She then reverses this “deadly” wound, snaps you out of your daze, and you go back to fighting the bad guy. But guess what? Your friend actually managed to catch it in their hand and the blood that was pooling on your blade isn’t actually from their stomach. The bad guy uses this stone to cause you to turn your blade on a friend, stabbing them. Well, anyone can control the Aragami with the help of the most generic MacGuffin devised a stone that holds the souls of the Aragami. Like I mentioned before, the Aragami have the power to control shadows. The next paragraph is spoiler territory for the story. There’s one specific plot point that I know was meant to feel like a big deal, but came across so eh that I felt the need to skip the cinematic and get back into the gameplay. There’s not a whole lot of memorable stuff that happens, and even if it does (like friendly characters dying) it’s not written in a way that makes you want to remember - let alone care. And you’d be right, but that goes further to prove my point about how forgettable the story is. I know what you’re saying “ wow Ben, that was the most generic way you could have described that”.


This power is sought after by your enemies who will stop at nothing to get to you and the other Aragami of Kakurega Village, so you must use whatever means necessary to free any remaining Aragami and drive back the invading forces. But, I do remember the basics – you play as an Aragami, a soul trapped in… somewhere… that has the power to control shadows. Well, in Aragami 2, while there is a story it was so forgettable that I’ve forgotten what most of it was about.

aragami switch review gameplay

If you’ve read my reviews in the past you’d know this is the part where I start talking about the story.

aragami switch review gameplay

The question is, however, even though that classic style of stealth may be gone from the newest title, can it pull off the newer style of gameplay? Aragami 2 is no different in this regard, a highly anticipated sequel to, you guessed it, Aragami.

aragami switch review gameplay

It’s sad every time I’m reminded by newer generation stealth games that methodical stealth is dead buried in a shallow grave by developers who have decided to move on to fast-paced, action-orientated games with a hint of stealth.

Aragami switch review gameplay